About Us

Shopguard Canada has been in business for more than 14 years. Our products can be found at Bell, Telus, The Source, Indigo, Chapters Canadian Tire and more…
Our Mother company possesses a network of subsidiaries in Austria, Finland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, the UK, Ukraine, and the US, and has distributors in most other countries of the world.
Shopguard has supplied more than 30,000 retail stores worldwide in over 40 countries in the past 20 years.
Many customers come to Shopguard with specific problems that need to be solved. They may be product security issues, requests for in-store information and media solutions, mechanical protection, or effective operational questions, to name a few.
Our objective is not only to solve these problems, but because we understand the intricacies and interrelatedness of every aspect of retail security and information technology, we also want to do more than solve the immediate problem—our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution for long-term growth and success.
The comprehensive solution may include assessing all or some of our broad range of services, such as electronic article surveillance (EAS), bottle protection, antitheft antennas, in-store media solutions, interactive merchandising, intelligent price tags, and mechanical protection. We offer progressive solutions for displaying the latest electronic gadgets on the market like tablets, smart phones, cameras, and many more. Besides electronic surveillance, additional mechanical protection and charging the displayed products are also services we provide.
Our mission is to create functional and exquisite industrial design: tough security in an elegant and delicate coverage combined with the latest software and visual merchandising technologies. “Being safe” is assured by our research & development team, always providing our customers with state-of-the-art solutions, from securing a product to boosting sales with interactive media solutions and content management. All Shopguard products are offered in a diverse range of styles, allowing the customers and their store designers to choose one that will not only match, but further enhance the design of their unique retail environment. This is why Shopguard is outstanding in this industry.
Shopguard is also proud to be known as a company with great flexibility when it comes to satisfying the customer’s needs by redesigning, customizing, and developing our products to best meet the customer’s expectations and doing all this in the shortest period of time possible.
Shopguard owns dozens of patents, protecting our intellectual property worldwide.


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